Good morning to two wonderful people
I have loved both of you for years. And thought your attitude was great. We are so lucky to have you in our lives.
Missing body parts is a traumatic thing to happen to anyone ! Yes ladies it is a visual issue with something you have always wanted. Even for men and getting a prostate removed ! They never tell you that you are going to be two inches shorter. Visiting nudist resorts I am so proud of the people who are not afraid to be free.
Saturday I went to a resort and a lady was missing her two arms ! You know what, she was so beautiful ! She walked around proudly and still enjoyed life with or without certain body parts. Its not the body that makes up who we are its the person in the body. Like on a Howard Stern show years ago I listened to an interview with conjoined twins. They were joined at their heads and couldnt be separated ! But it didnt stop them from enjoying life. One played basketball ! One dated a boy ! They had never seen each other before ! But oh my god they loved life, because we only get this one time.
So if we are lucky enough to have every body part. Stop and think about it and how wonderful people are that have this loss. To just be open minded enough to enjoy life anyway. Because I think they are still beautiful once you finally get to know each other and not just looking at someone. In some ways it is a badge of how strong that person is.
You know what. I love you all ! Be strong and be yourself always !
I love your comment! I have been blessed with a large , extremely diverse medical practice. I have encouraged many with body image issues , scars, mastectomies, or overweight, etc. to try going to a nudist resort. People are very accepting there and encouraging body acceptance.
I love your comment! I have been blessed with a large , extremely diverse medical practice. I have encouraged many with body image issues , scars, mastectomies, or overweight, etc. to try going to a nudist resort. People are very accepting there and encouraging body acceptance.