RE:Looking at my nude wife

If you had gotten an erection, do you think the other woman would have gotten upset? What would have been her husband's reaction and that of your wife? I'm only talking about an erection and not actually having sex. It seems silly to me to be concerned about having an erection when you're already getting "handsy".

Good questions!
One thing of note is that if I had become erect, given the situation, that means my hard dick would have been pressed against her body. That's a whole different vibe than seeing an erect dick from across the room, like my (current) wife around the pool table! So it's hard to tell if she would have ignored it, distanced herself or been amused by it. I do think both my ex and our male friend would have probably been amused by it lol!
I do remember one time while we were staying at her home overnight; I woke up, went downstairs and found her in the kitchen. The first thing she looked at when she saw me was my dick. It was almost as she was expecting me to have morning wood; and was surprised I didn't! Given what she had previously said about erections, I don't think she would have been bothered at all by it.

At the risk of appearing sexist, I think that women are wired that way. I get the impression that the incident was especially flattering for her because she was older than he was. Do you recall the age difference? It must have been a thrill for you to witness that.

It's not sexism; it's reality lol! Even though many women find it very hard to admit, they like to look attractive. Nudity brings an entire different dimension to it. In the real world, it's make-up, flattering dresses/outfits, hair done, etc... In nudism, with all these things being mostly absent, it becomes about posture, confidence and congeniality. But the goal is the same: to look attractive. Granted, there are exceptions; I know women at the resort who clearly don't give a damn. But that's not the overwhelming majority.

Btw, the age difference was probably around 15-20 years. I was more surprised by my wife's reaction (or lack thereof). I'm 100% sure she found it flattering.

I do understand that your wife is usually subtle in the way she behaves when she is nude with other people. My wife is that way too. But there are the occasional times when it is obvious that another person is admiring her. It might not be as blatant as that young man getting an erection. Maybe a person looks at her a certain way when she walks by the pool.

I think our wives are similar in that regard. I'll give you a rundown of my wife's patterns:
Within the next month, she will start dieting and exercising more. Around April, she will start tanning to get a "base." Then she will ramp up exercising even more. The day before returning to the resort, she will lather up and shave completely bald. When we get to the resort, she will get naked right after we check in and we'll return to our usual tanning spot.
She's not doing this just for me lol!!
Shee knows everyone at the resort will see her naked. And that our friends will probably see her pussy; as well as anyone catching her tanning with her legs open or straddling a paddle-board. And she wants to "look good" doing it. Heck; she's even told me so, in her own "low-key" way. For sure, she's very subtle about it. But I know her body language enough to "know." For example, when she's sitting in the hot tub with her tits right above the water, she'll do this "thing" where she pulls her shoulders back and arches her back. The effect it has is to lift her tits up and make her nipples (which are longuish) seem to poke out. That's always going to get people's attention; but in a way that is rather innocuous. But I can see the "looks" she's getting!
She doesn't really like the way her butt looks, but she knows that it "presents" well when she's bent over. I've mentioned before how she'll take her "sweet time" while straightening her towel or laying out her belongings on her lounge chair. It might seem to onlookers like she's just very meticulous; but the reality is that she knows she'll "looking good" from the rear. Her favorite nudist picture I've taken is in fact of her bent over.
We have female friends at the resort; and they almost all show evidence of appreciating being appreciated. For one of them, it's her pussy. And tbh, she does really have a very pretty pussy. It's not "by accident" that when she talks to me while standing in front of me, and I'm sitting down; she's standing with her feet apart and her hands on her hips, pushing her crotch forward. She's not trying to get me hard; she just likes the recognition that her pussy is in fact very good looking lol!
Women are funny that way. And I quite thoroughly enjoy it!

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RE:Looking at my nude wife

One thing of note is that if I had become erect, given the situation, that means my hard dick would have been pressed against her body. That's a whole different vibe than seeing an erect dick from across the room, like my (current) wife around the pool table! So it's hard to tell if she would have ignored it, distanced herself or been amused by it. I do think both my ex and our male friend would have probably been amused by it lol!

Yes, of course, seeing an erect dick from across the room is very different than pressing it against her body. It would be a visual display only. Your female friend probably would have enjoyed seeing you like that, but she might have acted in such a way as to not draw attention to it.

I do remember one time while we were staying at her home overnight; I woke up, went downstairs and found her in the kitchen. The first thing she looked at when she saw me was my dick. It was almost as she was expecting me to have morning wood; and was surprised I didn't! Given what she had previously said about erections, I don't think she would have been bothered at all by it.

I'm sure she wouldn't have been bothered if you were erect or semi-erect in the morning. Since you weren't hard, she may have thought that you had sex with your wife as many couples do in the morning.

the age difference was probably around 15-20 years. I was more surprised by my wife's reaction (or lack thereof). I'm 100% sure she found it flattering.
That would have put the guy in his early thirties. Between your wife's charms and his young age, he wouldn't have had much control over getting an erection. LOL.

I'll give you a rundown of my wife's patterns:
Within the next month, she will start dieting and exercising more. Around April, she will start tanning to get a "base." Then she will ramp up exercising even more. The day before returning to the resort, she will lather up and shave completely bald. When we get to the resort, she will get naked right after we check in and we'll return to our usual tanning spot.
She's not doing this just for me lol!!

I like the part where she lathers up and shaves completely bald. No doubt, despite her subtlety, she likes to be seen.

Shee knows everyone at the resort will see her naked. And that our friends will probably see her pussy; as well as anyone catching her tanning with her legs open or straddling a paddle-board. And she wants to "look good" doing it. Heck; she's even told me so, in her own "low-key" way. For sure, she's very subtle about it. But I know her body language enough to "know."

For example, when she's sitting in the hot tub with her tits right above the water, she'll do this "thing" where she pulls her shoulders back and arches her back. The effect it has is to lift her tits up and make her nipples (which are longuish) seem to poke out. That's always going to get people's attention; but in a way that is rather innocuous.

As her husband, you know your wife's body language better than anyone else. As a fellow candaulist, I am sure it is a turn on for you when she assumes a posture that subtly but innocuously catches other people's attention. I think that is much sexier when a woman is subtle as opposed to being blatant.

But I can see the "looks" she's getting!
She doesn't really like the way her butt looks, but she knows that it "presents" well when she's bent over. I've mentioned before how she'll take her "sweet time" while straightening her towel or laying out her belongings on her lounge chair. It might seem to onlookers like she's just very meticulous; but the reality is that she knows she'll "looking good" from the rear. Her favorite nudist picture I've taken is in fact of her bent over.

So, your wife doesn't think her body is perfect. Some modesty can be a good thing. The fact that her favorite nudist picture is of her bent over tells you that she still enjoys showing her butt.

We have female friends at the resort; and they almost all show evidence of appreciating being appreciated. For one of them, it's her pussy. And tbh, she does really have a very pretty pussy. It's not "by accident" that when she talks to me while standing in front of me, and I'm sitting down; she's standing with her feet apart and her hands on her hips, pushing her crotch forward. She's not trying to get me hard; she just likes the recognition that her pussy is in fact very good looking lol!

How do you know she isn't trying to get you hard?

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RE:Looking at my nude wife

Of course, your female friend seeing your erection from across a room would be very different than you pressing it against her body. The display would have been visual only. She probably would have noticed it and maybe enjoyed seeing it, but not say anything.

I doubt that your friend would have been bothered if you were erect or partially erect that morning when you walked into the kitchen naked. Since you werent hard, she may have thought that you had sex with your wife prior to getting out of bed.

The young man who was playing pool with your wife had to be somewhere in his early thirties. Between your wifes sexy appearance and his young age, he probably didnt have much control over his erection. Its a good thing that she found it flattering.

The fact that your wife will lather up and shave completely bald before visiting the nudist club proves that she likes to be seen. This isnt being too blatant as I have observed that a number of women at our nudist club tend to go smooth. What I like about your wife is that she is otherwise subtle about the way she shows herself. This is so much sexier than being blatantly obvious. People who dont know her body language as well as you do will interpret her behavior as being innocent. They will think that she just enjoys being nude. They wont know that the way she sits in the hot top with her back arched and her nipples poking out above the water is purposely intended to catch their attention. The same thing applies when she is taking her time straightening her towel or laying her things on her lounge chair.

The fact that your wife doesnt really like the way her butt looks can be a good thing in that it shows that she is modest. I think most women will say that they dont like some part of their body. It could be their breasts or stomach. Your job is to compliment your wife and tell her how nice her ass is. LOL. The fact that her favorite nudist picture is of her bent over must give her confidence.

Concerning the woman who would stand in front of you (while you were sitting) with her feet apart and her hands on her hips, pushing her crotch forward, there is no doubt that she is deliberately giving you a nice view. Do you think shes trying to get you hard?

Although my wife usually behaves innocently at our nudist club, there have been a few times when she has been a bit mischievous with me. She likes to tease me. I think it depends on whether she thinks she can get away with it. For example, she might position her lounge chair so that she is facing me, giving me a lovely view of her breasts and pussy. She may say something to me like, Do you think I look nice? She may even whisper to me about how nice my cock looks. If my cock starts to get hard, shell giggle, proud of the effect that she has on me. Ive told her to behave because others can see but. of course, I like it.

One time when we were sitting in our lounge chairs. she decided that she was going to massage my foot. This was while a female friend was chatting with us. I had to concentrate so that I wouldnt get an erection as that would have been very embarrassing. I dont know if my wife was deliberately trying to cause that to happen, but I wouldnt be surprised. My wife probably would have thought that was funny.

When you are sunbathing nude at the club with your wife, does she ever deliberately tease you some way?

Another thing that I have enjoyed is when my wife tells me that "so and so" at the nudist club had an erection. These weren't incidents that necessarily involved her directly. They are things that she just happened to observe. So, it's not a case of candaulism. What I like is how my wife laughs when she tells me what she saw.

For example, one time she saw a visitor get an erection while we were in the clubhouse sheltering from a storm. I think maybe it was his first time visiting a nudist club. Another time, she saw one of the guys at the dance get an erection. She was impressed at how big and hard it was. I don't know whether he got it from dancing with his wife. Ther have been a few of other incidents like that. We have belonged to this club for a long time.

I know you told me about how the young man got an erection while your wife was playing pool. In that case, she was the one who caused that to happen. But does she ever tell you about witnessing men getting erections at the nudist club that she didnt necessarily cause?

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RE:Looking at my nude wife

Concerning the woman who would stand in front of you (while you were sitting) with her feet apart and her hands on her hips, pushing her crotch forward, there is no doubt that she is deliberately giving you a nice view. Do you think she's trying to get you hard?
I don't think so...but I think she's definitely trying to make an impression. We've been friends for years now, so I think the impression she's trying to make is that she's so comfortable with me, and trusting of me, that she can "show herself" to me in a completely uninhibited way. And I'm certainly not complaining.
She also does it with my wife; and ironically, my wife can be pretty judgmental about it! She'll be like: "Ok...I enjoy chatting with her; but her pussy was right in front of me the whole time! Why?!" LOL!

When you are sunbathing nude at the club with your wife, does she ever deliberately tease you some way?
Sometimes; but only when we're alone. Usually in a "jokey" way.
It usually involves spread legs, and for example asking me if she's done a "good job" shaving; and being very cheeky about it. Or asking me if her nipples look erect (which they naturally often do), and then laughing when I say they look "suckable."

But does she ever tell you about witnessing men getting erections at the nudist club that she didn't necessarily cause?
My wife doesn't hide the fact that she looks at everyone. Tits, pussy, ass and dicks. Erections are very rare at my resort; but one time, a couple of years ago, a newbie was clearly erect while canoodling with his GF. I turned to my wife and asked "Did you see...?" and she just looked at me like "Well...duh!" LOL!
My wife's "philosophy about it is that she's nude all day long at the resort; and people will likely see all "her bits." So she feels she's perfectly entitled to "return the favor"; as it's "only fair!" She's obviously discreet about it; and it certainly doesn't bother me - and she knows it. We're usually surrounded by other people; so she'll save her comments for when we're away from the group. If I was to count, she's actually commented more on women's pussies than men's dicks. The main reason she started shaving bald was because she was looking at our female friends' pussies, and decided they looked better than hers. She figured that if their shaven pussies made a good impression on her, her shaving bald would make a good impression on them; and the men. She's never denied her desire to look good naked and have a "palatable" figure while socially nude!
It works out well. She looks at people naked, finds something about them she feels is attractive, then emulates it. Someone around her who is uninhibited...she's going to be uninhibited around them. Everyone being completely naked at my resort contributes greatly to it too. That's why we've both lost any interest in C/O venues!

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RE:Looking at my nude wife

The main reason she started shaving bald was because she was looking at our female friends' pussies, and decided they looked better than hers. She figured that if their shaven pussies made a good impression on her, her shaving bald would make a good impression on them; and the men. She's never denied her desire to look good naked and have a "palatable" figure while socially nude!It works out well. She looks at people naked, finds something about them she feels is attractive, then emulates it. Someone around her who is uninhibited...she's going to be uninhibited around them. Everyone being completely naked at my resort contributes greatly to it too. That's why we've both lost any interest in C/O venues!

I never heard of a woman's figure being described as "palatable". Does that mean that she tastes good? LOL I wish that my wife would shave her pussy, but she says that it would make her look like a pre-pubescent girl. I don't think that would be the case at all, but it would cause her to be more exposed. She sees other women who are shaved, but it's not enough for her to emulate. Maybe she's just being modest. When I see a woman who is shaved, I think of her as being uninhibited.

I can understand why you both have lost interest in clothing optional venues. One reason is that your wife feels more comfortable being nude when everyone else is. But, from a candaulism point of view, it has been very exciting for me the few times when my wife was completely nude in front of people who were not nudists. This has seldom been at a nudist camp, clothing optional or otherwise.

Concerning the number of times that we have seen guys at our nudist club with erections, it has only happened once in a while. It's just that we have been going to this club for such a long time that it's bound to happen. The few times that my wife has witnessed this, she'll laughingly tell me about it. It's like she is fascinated by what she saw.

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RE:Looking at my nude wife

I never heard of a woman's figure being described as "palatable". Does that mean that she tastes good? LOL I wish that my wife would shave her pussy, but she says that it would make her look like a pre-pubescent girl. I don't think that would be the case at all, but it would cause her to be more exposed. She sees other women who are shaved, but it's not enough for her to emulate. Maybe she's just being modest. When I see a woman who is shaved, I think of her as being uninhibited.

LOL! Yeah; tasty to the eyes! :)
I think I've shared this; but my wife shaving is a pretty recent development. She used to feel that bald was too exposed. But when she decided to show up bald at our resort after feeling some "peer-pressure" about it, she quickly liked how it felt and looked. Her tan looked more even, and the sun, wind and water were "hitting" her pussy more "directly." It was a sensual experience.
Bald women appear more uninhibited...because they usually are. Someone once asked if nudist women shave because they are more uninhibited in the first place; or is it that they become less inhibited after going bald. I think it's frequently the second reason. They feel that extra "sensual" experience after shaving, which makes them more inclined to letting the pussy "be exposed." From there, it's just a matter of coming to terms with other people seeing them "exposed." Some choose to ignore "the looks", others are selective about it (like my wife) and some just embrace it (like our friend).

Not knowing that your wife doesn't shave made me realize I never did ask (I talk too much). Some women are more comfortable keeping their pubes; and there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe if she did try it she'd never look back?
And how did your wife come to be naked in front of non-nudists?

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Nude for sure.

I introduced my girlfriend to nudity several years ago. She took to it immediately. She has since found she loves to be seen and complemented. She has since progressed to begin fondled and many times engaged in actual sex while being watched.

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RE:Looking at my nude wife

Not knowing that your wife doesn't shave made me realize I never did ask. Some women are more comfortable keeping their pubes; and there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe if she did try it she'd never look back? And how did your wife come to be naked in front of non-nudists?

You're probably right that if my wife ever did try shaving her pussy she'd never look back.

There were a number of times when my wife was naked in front of non-nudists. One of these incidents occurred when we were vacationing in Key West. We both sunbathed nude on an old wooden dock in front of people who had their clothes on. A young couple sitting next to us appeared to be tourists from Asia. The fact that other people had clothes on didn't bother my wife any.

Also, my wife likes a nice massage. She prefers to be nude while receiving. The men who are massaging her may be either nude or clothed.

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RE:Looking at my nude wife

That's right. I remember you mentioning that.
Did she enjoy the experience? Was she confident and carefree; or was it a surprise?

There's something very attractive about women that have the confidence to be naked in front of non-nudists.
My wife is a follower. She won't be naked in front of someone who isn't naked too. Even when we go to the BnB, she will put on a bathrobe after arriving and take a look around to see if everyone else is naked. Once she's confirmed it, she'll run back to our room and take the bathrobe off to go meet them. She prefers an "even playing field", so to speak, where she can see naked the people that are going to see her naked too. I really wouldn't mind if she was a bit more confident and open-minded about being naked when not everyone else is.

I introduced my girlfriend to nudity several years ago. She took to it immediately. She has since found she loves to be seen and complemented. She has since progressed to begin fondled and many times engaged in actual sex while being watched.
Congratulations! You've got a winner! ;)

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RE:Looking at my nude wife

That's right. I remember you mentioning that. Did she enjoy the experience? Was she confident and carefree; or was it a surprise? There's something very attractive about women that have the confidence to be naked in front of non-nudists. My wife is a follower. She won't be naked in front of someone who isn't naked too.

That one time when my wife sunbathed nude in front of the Asian tourists and other people who were clothed, it was not a surprise. She is just confident. I don't think she did that because she was being an exhibitionist. She just prefers to be nude.

We used to be friends with a couple who were long-time nudists. The woman once said to me that she "would be damned" if she let a non-nudist see her naked. My thoughts are that it would depend on the situation. I wouldn't want my wife to be naked in front of a person who is disrespectful. The situation would need to be a safe one.

I recall a couple of situations where my wife was unexpectedly exposed. The first time was when she was trying on swimsuits at the mall. She didn't close the curtain in the dressing room all the way. A young man who was waiting for his girlfriend who was also trying on clothes got to see my wife completely nude. My wife would have been about 25 at the time. The second time was when my wife attended a nude swim at a recreation facility. She went into the locker room to rinse off when a man who worked for the facility happened to walk in. She was naked and dripping wet from the shower while he had his clothes son. He stood there chatting with her for a few minutes. The two of them were alone. She told me later that she felt uncomfortable the way he was looking at her. I got rather turned on by those two incidents as I can imagine the two men lusting at my naked wife.

It's fine that your wife is a "follower". My wife is that way too sometimes. For example, when we are at the dances at our nudist club, she'll usually wait until at least one other woman gets naked before she will.

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