How often

How often do you shave/ And is it enough to stay totally smooth? I shave roughly once a day. I'm about to experiment with a lazer thing to inhibit the growth. I woder how well it will work.

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RE: How often

once a week than touch up once or twice during the week

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RE: How often

I shave full body daily under shower, it takes some minutes but it's well worth.

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RE: How often

How often do you shave/ And is it enough to stay totally smooth? I shave roughly once a day. I'm about to experiment with a lazer thing to inhibit the growth. I woder how well it will work.

It sort of worked. The hair growth is much slower and some parts it has stopped growing entirely. I'm working on eliminating my pubes. They are nerely gone but there the treatment continues.

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RE: How often

Hello I would like to ask how the lazer treatment worked on staying smooth as i to like to be smooth and it takes time to keep it smooth how long did it last or is it permanent .

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RE: How often

It turns out it wasn't lazer. It was intense light pulse traetment. The effect was temporary. I'm back to shaving each day.

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RE: How often

I shave 2x a week in the shower. Seems to be the best effect. I've seen the laser things on TV and was curious. I know professional laser treatments are out of my budget.

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RE: How often

i have a cheap battery power razor that does good for touch up during week, if i had to use a razor everyday i may have let it grow out :(

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RE: How often

I shave every day too, laser/light therepy removal works great though for me I had 6 weekly treantment totallingl 7 treatments, took all winter

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RE: How often

Epilation or trimming means I can go some time between maintenance which is the way I like it, but now I'm hunting down the stray hairs I've missed...

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