Jackin in TS Chat Room

I enjoy masturbating online as well. Depending on the day, I will show my full body or sometimes just from my chest down. I will also visit the chat room on TS and do the same. It's a sad thing when I saw how the group bad mouthing a gentleman that logged off when he was "done". I do the very same thing.

The viewers in the chat room were calling him a "come and go'er" and had lots of other negative comments. I can't image what they said about me after I "came and went". I have two things to say to ALL OF YOU!

I may not have the time to hang out and chat with you for a long time on that specific day, but I have a few minutes to enjoy your company and enjoy sharing myself with you. I may not have the ability to chat with you for whatever reason but I'm sharing my video.

You are in the chat room and you're not even on cam, yet you're the loudest and most obnoxious of everyone in the room.

Don't patronize me or criticize me because of what I do before evaluating your own actions. I felt ridiculed and abused by the comments that were said to the other person.

I'll be back in the chat room soon. If I recognize you from some of your comments you may hear from me. Even if you are a MODERATOR!!

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RE:Jackin in TS Chat Room

Babe, do you. Literally. Dont give a fuck, unless its your own.

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