you get what you pay for
not sure what i did with my last cock cage it was kind of cheap one but worked so i ordered another and quality has gone down i guess i should have paid a little more . it came in the mail on a thursday i kind of just scanned over it and threw it in the drawer i was meeting up with my bf and hopefully a couple other friends on saturday so i knew i would try it on than well saturday rolled around and i slipped the cage on it fit ok like the other and had a cheap little lock like the other so i unlocked it and locked the cage onto me my last thought was to put a key in my pocket as as much as i want to be a sub not yet enough will power to not maybe want a bj too we'll see . well got to my bf he answers door nude as always so i groped him and went in and stripped too yeah forgot to tell him i wax going to be caged even though i've been talking about it a while. we played waiting for the others to come and he actually tongued the caged than teabagged me to see if the cage had room for my cock yeah i'm 3 3/4 hard room to spare .two others of our friends showed up and we spent afternoon playing the three of us are gay one straight which is a fun alternative imo . well as day wore on and i leaked pre cum going from hard to soft i lost my my will power i wanted to be sucked and sucked so i went to get the spare key in my pocket , Crap the key was deformed and no matter who tried yes they made a game about opening the lock and at one point i'm laying on the coffee table being examined . the lock must have cost .50 cents but it wasn't unlocking so the idea of a hacksaw , dremel , wire cutters was suggest yeah not near my cock so no bj for me. our two friends left so we ended up showering , eating dinner and going to bed . needless to say most know peeing can be a issue this is a metal cage i've seen some plastic ones that cover the head that would be hell to pee with but mine just bee and clean with a wipe oh and sit while peeing . next day i left after lunch and morning play time , at home as soon as the cage was off was maturbation time . i still want to be caged and owned it's all about the right person train ing me.
- 3 years ago
not sure what i did with my last cock cage it was kind of cheap one but worked so i ordered another and quality has gone down i guess i should have paid a little more . it came in the mail on a thursday i kind of just scanned over it and threw it in the drawer i was meeting up with my bf and hopefully a couple other friends on saturday so i knew i would try it on than well saturday rolled around and i slipped the cage on it fit ok like the other and had a cheap little lock like the other so i unlocked it and locked the cage onto me my last thought was to put a key in my pocket as as much as i want to be a sub not yet enough will power to not maybe want a bj too we'll see . well got to my bf he answers door nude as always so i groped him and went in and stripped too yeah forgot to tell him i wax going to be caged even though i've been talking about it a while. we played waiting for the others to come and he actually tongued the caged than teabagged me to see if the cage had room for my cock yeah i'm 3 3/4 hard room to spare .two others of our friends showed up and we spent afternoon playing the three of us are gay one straight which is a fun alternative imo . well as day wore on and i leaked pre cum going from hard to soft i lost my my will power i wanted to be sucked and sucked so i went to get the spare key in my pocket , Crap the key was deformed and no matter who tried yes they made a game about opening the lock and at one point i'm laying on the coffee table being examined . the lock must have cost .50 cents but it wasn't unlocking so the idea of a hacksaw , dremel , wire cutters was suggest yeah not near my cock so no bj for me. our two friends left so we ended up showering , eating dinner and going to bed . needless to say most know peeing can be a issue this is a metal cage i've seen some plastic ones that cover the head that would be hell to pee with but mine just bee and clean with a wipe oh and sit while peeing . next day i left after lunch and morning play time , at home as soon as the cage was off was maturbation time . i still want to be caged and owned it's all about the right person train ing me.
Steelwerks custom cages in Montreal makes the very best to order fitted cock cages and I recommend them to anyone who wants to wear one more than as a causal decoration. they are expensive but warranteed cannot injure you and feel great. sexy too.
- 3 years ago
Interesting story, funny , made me laugh.. I love my tiny clitty being caged then be given a beautiful big cock by someone else to have for myself..
- a year ago
I sooo want a cage, but wife not into kink so I cant buy normally. I want to use with my male friends and see how they are. Anyone interested in sending me one?
- a year ago
you can get one on ebay for about $15. be careful the cheap lock and key not unlocking , might be hard to explain to her .
- a year ago