Wife Prefers Circumcised

My wife saw this and said she like every cock she saw. She does not like un-cut dick, she thinks the excess skin sticking out is ugly. Any other wives feel the same about displayed cock?

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RE:Wife Prefers Circumcised

I am cut and agree with your wife

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RE:Wife Prefers Circumcised

Just curious, is your wife circumcised (the action or traditional practice of cutting off the clitoris and sometimes the labia) ?

I agree with this and it is amazing to me how so many people agree this is wrong when done to women, but for a male they think its totally fine to take 50% of his pleasure receptors without consent... which is definitely not a critcism of guys who are cut (i am) but I was so much the same way just thought there was no reason to care, but then I read about what you actually lose especially in a tight circ like mine and I started to think about it and its done and i dont get upset about that, but I now know it wasnt right. Theres so much fear and body shame wrapped up in the penis for women and lots of men, being told its dirty and needs deep constant agressive cleaning (vaginas too) and lots of women believe it as do many men but thats just another way that some have sought to control pleasure and sexuality so they can have power over others...same old same old... the idea that billions of years of life evolving on earth failed to make genitals that are self cleaning and safe for others of your species and require anything but water or maybe a very light cleanser and are not enjoyable unless you do a full hospital sterilization scheme and add some perfume is ridiculous... yet...

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RE:Wife Prefers Circumcised

My wife saw this and said she like every cock she saw. She does not like un-cut dick, she thinks the excess skin sticking out is ugly. Any other wives feel the same about displayed cock?

The salient point is that if a woman isn't seeing the glans of his penis she hasn't given him the attention she should be to arouse him, That (not excess, there's no such thing, for women or men unless there's a very specific medical condition causing it), a properly cared for foreskin goes past the glans so no matter which way the penis goes it is protected and not abraded or stuck to something (the slightly wet glans is just the right humidity level to dry up touching most other surfaces skin, hair, textile, grass and as that happens it sticks to most things easily), and the only time it needs to be exposed is when it has a nice soft wet hole to be in and that way it stays super sensitive and super receptive to the needs of the person being penetrated... and quite frankly, if you are just seeing a man's penis (just as men seeing women's breasts) and not intimate with that person or in private the polite thing to do is say nothing at all. As for me, when I am intimate with a man or a woman, I like to know which body parts they like about them and which they like less or not at all so I can help them feel better about that which to me is more important than whether it is to my preferences less or more, but all that said... women deal with ten times more and more still than that of men offering all kinds of critiques of their bodies without asking for it or even being in the line of dude's attention so...

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RE:Wife Prefers Circumcised

I am circumcised too, I have never had any complaints of it. Since my circumcision was done at birth, I have nothing to compare it to, for the feeling. So what i don't know, wont hurt me. I like the over all too of my circumcised penis. So yes i to agree with your wife.

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