Winter Nudism

With winter approaching, What are your plans for hanging out nude with friends? Anyone traveling to Florida in January?

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RE:Winter Nudism

I'm usually in Florida for 8 months of the year. I live mid-point between 2 legal nude beaches (I prefer Blind Creek over Haulover though). Before having a place in FL, I would get my RI winter naked time in at the spas at Foxwoods. The Pequot and Fox Tower have spas that had separate M/F facilities where nudity was encouraged. Both have hot tub, steam room and saunas. The use of the pool is included with the day pass but you have to wear a suit. I preferred the spa in the Pequot because it was cheaper, more private and the guys seem friendlier. Also the Fox Tower spa had a lot of rules when you could get a day pass. Both areas are still closed due to Covid restictions.

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