I hike in an area that is known for nudity so its never a problem. There are actually nude area signs painted on rocks to warn others so there is nothing to explain. The hike down into the gorge isnt nude but Ive encountered many guys hiking it in the buff.This is an un official nudist area even though it has been accepted by the locals for many years. It is not acceptable for people to walk down or up to the nudist area. Other people (textiles) frequent the gorge too but go the other way , away from the nudist area. I have heard of a non landed nudist/naturist group that visited the gorge one time and many of this group walked down and back up nude. This was unacceptable and only causes problems for the people that frequent the gorge to be nude regularly.
I always wear shorts (and nothing else) for the hike down and then the shorts come down and its dick, balls and ass out as soon as I get to the nude area. Its always important to be respectful.
I had two encounters that I can recall.
One was on my first night walk in a local park. There was a curve in the path so I had virtually no warning. Just enough time to move aside as we passed each other on the wide paved path. There was no interaction beyond eyeballs and I couldn't see, let alone hear any reaction. Subsequent walks were later in the night, however.
The other was when leaving a remote beach near a popular walking trail. Considering it was dusk I expected there'd be no-one still walking outward from the entrance but I still held my shirt so I could quickly throw it over my head and be covered in a Donald Duck style. I was wrong on both counts as a group of young guys headed my way and my ability to casually throw my shirt over myself was way worse than I expected. They just laughed while I was still struggling with my shirt as they passed.