Congratulations to all members of the Choking/Breath Control Group!

As the creator and Moderator, it is my pleasure to announce our fetish group has grown to over 60 members! Obviously, our group is quite specialized with respect to the nature of our fetish. For all members, new and long-time, I greatly appreciate your membership. If you're sexually stimulated while performing this fetish, you've come to the right place. There is absolutely no judgement here! Sexual orientation, gender, age, race, nor any other factor in regards to your personal life is never used in this group to exclude. If you enjoy being choked or choking a sexual partner during sex, this group is perfect for you. Please join and converse/meet other swingers whom enjoy the same interests. Even if you have never tried or experimented with choking, but you have an interest in the fetish, please stop-by and visit the group. If so inclined, please join. All are welcome here!

My only request when submitting a request for membership: please, please have a completed profile and/or pictures. Positively NO private profiles accepted!

Again, my sincere thanks to all members who keep our group exciting and relevant!

Stay safe! Stay Naked!
Group Moderator

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  • 4 years ago
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