Can anyone help?

A member just added two videos which I approved but both appear as "Media not found"

Any ideas about how to solve and release the videos?

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RE:Can anyone help?

This just happened to me this morning. I posted 2 videos. The site said they uploaded perfect and now I can't find them! WTF?

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RE:Can anyone help?

Those 2 videos finally uploaded to my Media. However they turned TOO LARGE! So large that you can't even see my cock in one the videos. Can anyone explain why they uploaded so big? I can't get the moderators of this site and/or to reply to me. WTF is the problem with getting back to your members? We pay good money to belong to these sites. Answer our concerns. Is that too much to ask?

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RE:Can anyone help?

This site is shit. This will be far from the last thing you find that doesn't work properly. The folks who made it don't really seem to know what they're doing and it appears that haven't updated anything to meet modern (website) coding practices and technologies. They're quite happy to take your money though.

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