American Foreskin

My wife loves my foreskin we love sharing it with others. Not surprisingly we haven't come across another.

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RE:American Foreskin


I do understand how you feel when you have encountered many men who have penis without foreskin, especially in USA. But do not let disappointment gets the best of you. There are many other men around the world who still manage to keep their foreskin completely intact on their penis.

I was born in Hong Kong, a former British colony and now a Special Administrative Region of Mainland China, which has been getting plenty of international attention lately. I'm currently living in California, USA. After I was born, no doctor had ever removed my foreskin on my penis, so I was lucky to have a complete penis. With my foreskin completely covering the tip of my penis, I'm feeling completely fine. But when I tried to live a day with the tip of my penis completely exposed by putting my feet in the shoes of men with circumcised penis, it felt very awkward and, most importantly, uncomfortable. I was easily distracted by the tip of my penis. (It's hard to describe this awkward feeling, but if you have uncircumcised penis and you try to live a day as a man with circumcised penis, then I think you understand this unusual feeling.)

Because I was not born in USA and I settled in USA about 30 years ago, I didn't know there are men with uncircumcised penis and men with circumcised penis. I had not thought about the penis and the foreskin until I encountered TrueSwingers about 6 years ago. Now I know there are two kinds of penis, uncircumcised and circumcised.

By the way, I just uploaded a picture of myself with my uncircumcised penis in this group about an hour ago. Look for my penis under CharmingAsianCY in this group. Please feel free to look at my uncircumcised penis and see what you think.

Anyway, nice to have both of you joining this group. Have fun and stay safe.

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