
when people r new they think power is everything in sex, but i always liked most guys with experience

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To which we should SHARE and EXPIERIENCE

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when people r new they think power is everything in sex, but i always liked most guys with experience

I tend to believe that most people crave power (not only in sex, but in almost every part of life) because they believe that power will get them what they want. In many cases, that is simply happiness, but in some cases, it's other things like respect, or "friendship" or just more power.

Over the years, I've learned that power will not give me what I want. In fact, I have realized I am somewhat submissive. I seek to please others first and when I do, I am often satisfied with the results. In work I would give my managers my ideas and let them take the credit for them. In my personal life, I would do just about anything for a friend in need. In my sex life, I will make sure my wife has at least one orgasm, even if it means that I don't get to cum during that lovemaking session.

Once I was having a discussion with a good friend of mine, and we were talking about sex. At the time, she enjoyed being a submissive in a BDSM relationship. She told me that we wouldn't work as a couple. She said that two submissives can't work because a submissive gets their pleasure from pleasing their partner, so she couldn't get pleasure out of pleasing me, because to please me she would have to let me please her... She followed that up with we could still have some hot sex, but that we would never work as a couple and we both broke out laughing (and regretfully never did have that hot sex).

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I find experiences are always enhanced amd improved the more people think about others and include them so long as the individuals are not selfish. Its all about the shared enjoyment and bringing everyone in. :-)

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