RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

Judging by what this guy had posted to other people, his foul comments, their is nothing special about him. I never saw his profile & hopefully he will never return with his homophobic comments. I'm lucky to have great friends here & not people of that calibre.

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RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

Check a straight guys groups. Almost always cock you might have touched a sensitive nerve but no need to be so vile in his response! Forget this and carry on as you were! The majority of guys take compliments regardless of gay or straight.

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RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

I have had similar reactions or worse, when I have not even contacted them , but have been blocked! Very poor attitude on a public site. They must realize that a photo on this site, of all sites will get a response. Homophobic people are serious not well. In many cases they are frightened of their own sexuality.

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