RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

I have had a few negative responses, to likes and messages, mostly on TN tho? Even had a moderator give me abuse on there. Said hi to a guy called "Rockdad" and got a torrent of abuse, he then reported me to "Rosie" (moderator), who was anything but pleasant (some might even say homophobic), so I sent her screen shots to show I had only said hello, she refused to apologise and left the chat. Disappointing to know similar things are happening on TS.

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RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

I like that plan! But I can't see his profile either, so he's off or blocked EVERYONE.

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RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

Not surprising. I find too many of the TN mods to be very homophobic.

This guy takes time to reply to everyone who simply likes his pics. Not even an email saying nice pics. And he was NOT nice. Unless I am misinterpreting "fuckhead" and it is really a term of endearment.

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RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

Seeing how he goes out of his way like that, he strikes me as the kind who feels more powerful by insulting others (like a certain Orange Menace and his followers), so here he's fishing for guys to insult. Pathetic.

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RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

To start with yes. Im a gay male but I dont push that as some might think. Its just one aspect of me. I made the mistake of liking a mans photo and made a comment to him that I thought it was a nice photos He in turn replied with I had no right looking at his pictures and that he wasnt gay and of the homos looking at him needed to just leave him alone. I replied with an apology and that Id not bother again. He made a few more nasty comments I ignored then he blocked me after I didnt respond I really think he was trying to get me to argue with him so he could report me and have me kicked off the site

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RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

Everyone rush to like Loki's pics, just for being a good guy. :)

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RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

I have noticed I have been blocked by several guys on here or TN that I have never chatted with. I am guessing it is due to having clicked like on their pics. It does come down to insecurity and bigotry. Sadly I have excepted that for a group of people like nudist who one expect to be more open to people, are just as narrow minded as non nudists can be.I see this guy's profile. He still there, but maybe if we all like his pics, he'll delete his account. Bigots should never be tolerated. If he is expecting a lot of connections with women on here...he is in for a rude awakening. There are A LOT of spam accounts mostly posing as women. LOL. Be nude.

I have only had one guy react poorly to me saying hi in the chat... hardly even rude just 'I'm not into men'... profile did not specify so... I just apologized and said the compliment was genuine and without expectations and he said sorry. I've never been blocked by anyone that I know of but if the profile is str8 only no men only women I might like one pic and that's it. Liking all of them is a bit intense even for me when it happens. I will say hello and introduce myself before I like many pictures on any profile because it is polite, direct and non sexual. It's easy to see what the interest is in his reply. In my generation and older guys tend not to favour indirect attention. A like is non verbal and indirect. It's not necessarily bigotry but a form of male social convention. I've blocked relentless likers on other platforms when they ignore two direct messages because it's passive aggressive and pointless to my interests. Be direct. Identify yourself. I always give my first name to str8 guys it's how business and work culture for str8 men is and it is appreciated usually....and I have a couple friends who are here Shared interests non sexual... was not a problem for me to reach out.

Finally, they are not all against exploring but... if it's not in the profile they are telling you that it's not an option. Unless they bring it up. I'm cool with that. What they don't like is multiple gay guys who are flirty pushy sexual and ultimately not of any interest. That's legitimate (though it is exactly what women deal with from them lol). I call out homophobia when I see it. This might be about different approaches to online interactions. Try my suggestions.

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RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

It wasn't wrong for you to like his photo.It was wrong for him to respond like a homophobic dick.

Yeah. Or str8 guys don't like being creeped instead of approached directly. I don't like 8 drive by likes with no DM. It's passive aggressive. He's gone a bit overboard but my response would be to apologize for not introducing myself to him, assuring him that I am just appreciative of his pics and sorry to offend. I might also say that for us gay guys this isn't a bad thing to do... and there's nothing wrong with being gay, or str8. It's not just up to str8 guys to get us on a mixed site. We can meet them halfway.

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RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

Not surprising. I find too many of the TN mods to be very homophobic.This guy takes time to reply to everyone who simply likes his pics. Not even an email saying nice pics. And he was NOT nice. Unless I am misinterpreting "fuckhead" and it is really a term of endearment.

They assume that men are not incapable of dealing with a rude person. If they get into threats or really nasty they get shitcanned. They also expect users to read profiles. I don't send DM's in chat to guys who are only into women. Once... yes and I apologized for it but he had this cock... anyway he laughed at it and said yeah I get that a lot don't worry about it I'm here for the attention.

I've watched what women deal with and most moderator time is devoted to swatting the sexpests off of the ladies or banning the illegal content crowd. I've not found any of them homophobic but I intro myself long before I lodge a complaint. Which is twice only. They see your pattern of messages and the content. If you sent 6 DM's to str8 or bi users and got read by one, they are not going to intervene because there's a bit of harrassment in the history. I chat with women chat with couples post in groups and make connections with others. It makes cruising for dick much more acceptable if I do it because I am seen as part of the site and not just dropping in and out. It's also the second tier of responsibility for mods in the DM's. They are primarily focused on the public chat because that's the liability for the site if they don't shut down banned content. Also a meltdown on chat usually ends up with members leaving. Never seen one here but I have and it's nasty. Two people fighting becomes 6 then 9 then everyone else going for the jugular and all the isms get out... I'd tell the really rude ones I was messaging for my mom and she's hot. ;)

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RE:Is it wrong to like a great photo of a straight guy on TS

There's still a lot of homophobia in the naturist community, remember when some naturist groups refer to couples they mean couples of the opposite Sex and the whole declaring you're Gay or bisexual shouldn't be mentioned is bringing sex into the nudist community, although it's alright to mention your Wife kids etc if you're straight, its just pathetic , and then they wonder why their clubs are dying off ??
I've not had many encounters with homophobes on the sites but sure it will happen , I don't understand why someone would be upset about being given a compliment, I had a Women on this site once ask if I wouldn't to swap e mail's and swap pics, I told her that I was gay, she then apologised and I simply replied don't apologise and Thanks for the compliment, I've had Women at work compliment me on what nice legs they think I have why would I get angry, it makes no sense ,

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