RE:Gay/Straight Roomie Situation

You are doing the right thing. just let him come out of his shell and give him room to expand. You sound like a great guy

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RE:Gay/Straight Roomie Situation

Love reading all this stuff, makes me horny of course and jerking.

Keep on!

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RE:Gay/Straight Roomie Situation

i think you should of stripped down and jerked off with him in the shower. IF you know when he's about to cum tell him to cum on you. If he does keep trying new things with him.

Does he go to a nude beach with you? If yes, what do you do there?


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RE:Gay/Straight Roomie Situation

Hi Preston, I didnt read many of the other replies so sorry if I say something thats already been said. If you truly care about him, and it seems like you do, let things happen naturally and at his pace. If it turns out he is not straight after all, let him be the one to say it. If you pressure him into sex, he might do it but you might also lose a friend. Is that worth it?

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RE:Gay/Straight Roomie Situation

Idk man. This story seems pretty fabricated and extremely unlikely if he was straightI'm sorry it comes off that way to you.1.) I didn't touch on all the nuances of our relationship over the years, either, to keep it brief.2.) Male nudists can be naked around each other without it speaking to their sexuality.3.) Guys can even beat off together without it necessarily speaking to their sexuality.4.) This is the point of my post, to ask what others think. Maybe he isn't AS straight as I thought? Maybe his curiosity has flared up lately? Maybe he just is relaxing now that we've lived together for a while? Maybe he's looking to try having a bate bro? I mean, I know it takes a special kind of guy to be able to do something like that, but I still think a guy can beat off with another guy and be straight. Or slightly flexible. Which again was the point of me asking...

It totally comes off as true, you're just listing the highlights which is what either the worst storyteller does or someone who lives it and wants to cut to the chase. Sexuality isn't really at play here, you live together, you're both young and he likely gets treated properly by you which most straight guys dont get much of at all. He's comfortable, cocky and pushing the envelope for reasons he is likely not entirely aware of. What I will say is that this is not out of the ordinary for two straight dudes. You guys have a good back and forth, and just let it flow, don't push it, he will either make a move or won't. The only thing you can do to encourage it is... when it gets almost there and there's anything overly intimate not necessarily sexual although lots of that has gone by already, pull away from him slightly. That means not looking at him as much, or getting up a touch earlier, dropping a cheery greeting small small shit. Men do this to women, but much more "negative". go out and name a random dude you are seeing no explanation. skip something minor you do together and blame random dude for keeping you. This usually will force the hand of a guy who is playing but wants the d anyway.... its not the nicest thing but its not evil either...just dishonest a bit but there's him if he really is wanting more but playing with you....

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RE:Gay/Straight Roomie Situation

I have had every straight buddy I lived with (and lots of guests) come on to me and I of course I let him have whatever he wanted to.

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RE:Gay/Straight Roomie Situation

Hey guys! I wanted to talk about my current situation and maybe get some advice.......My roomie Derek and I have been friends for a long time. He knows I'm gay and he knows I'm a nudist yet he was the one to suggest we live together. This was a while back. Derek's straight but has never been uptight and sorta just quietly accepted that I would be naked around the house. Out of respect, right at first, I didn't get TOO naked TOO often. But of course that has worn down and I'm just naked all the time now at home.Derek like I said has never been uptight. For the longest time, he never cared if I saw him in his underwear, but he never went out of his way to be in his underwear around me, if that makes sense. Sometimes I would catch him naked post-shower or on his way to the bathroom in the middle of the night, or whatever. Like he could change his clothes around me if the situation called for it.About a couple of months ago, Derek started being in his underwear around me more. We'd watch TV or play video games, or what have you. And now in the last couple of weeks, he's started being naked. It started off slow, like coming to the kitchen in the morning for coffee, or going to the bathroom even when he knew I was up and could see him. Now, he's as naked as I am. We spend our days off hanging out naked around the house, or doing housework or whatever.I caught him jacking off on the couch a few days ago, and he finished because I walked in on him right when he was about done. He just laughed it off and even though he did blush a little he didn't seem TOO concerned. Well, so I set it up for him to catch me, and kind of just hung out and watched, and said that since I caught him and saw him cum, it was only fair if he saw me cum. I mean, I'm paraphrasing a little. But he stood there and watched me finish.Last night, he walked into my room and caught me jacking off again. He didn't say anything, but he also didn't stay and watch. But this morning, he was in the shower and I told him I had to come in and take a leak. He said "Ok" so he knew I was there. While I was peeing, I could see in the mirror's reflection that he was beating off in the shower! Like right behind me basically. I told him I could see him and he laughed. When I was done and whatnot, I turned around to fling open the curtain. He wasn't beating off, but his dick was still really hard. I teased him that he didn't have to stop on my account, and he told me he finished already! Like WHILE I was taking a piss.Now, I would let Derek fuck me if he wanted to, and I would love to suck him off. But I am also pragmatic and managing my expectations. But, I guess I'm wondering where this is going with him. Like where his newfound sense of all this is coming from, is he just learning off me? Getting more comfortable with me? Like I said, I'd love to do all there is to do with him, but at the very least, I'd love to jack off with him. Does anyone have advice or think that's a possibility? Just throwing this out there to get some other perspectives I guess!
Sounds like you converted him to be a possible nudist let him come to you with anything more

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RE:Gay/Straight Roomie Situation

While most the advice sounds good on the surface, there is a bit of underhandedness to it.

You stated you've know each other for a long time and that he was aware of your proclivities long before he asked to be roommates. With that said, and to use a clich, honesty is the best policy. You should be able to broach the subject with him. Ask him about the change in his behavior. Ask him if he is just more comfortable since he's known you so long. That info alone would facilitate more conversation. From there it will evolve, and depending on the dialog you can proceed accordingly.

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RE:Gay/Straight Roomie Situation

While most the advice sounds good on the surface, there is a bit of underhandedness to it.You stated you've know each other for a long time and that he was aware of your proclivities long before he asked to be roommates. With that said, and to use a clich, honesty is the best policy. You should be able to broach the subject with him. Ask him about the change in his behavior. Ask him if he is just more comfortable since he's known you so long. That info alone would facilitate more conversation. From there it will evolve, and depending on the dialog you can proceed accordingly.

I'm very much behind this advice. Agree fully.

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