RE:Neighborhood Nudity

Last week I took an early morning naked walk around my village so I could get some new photos at:- the village hall; school (it wasn't open); church; bus stop; main road; a quirky sculpture; the public phone box; mail box and the pub.

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RE: Neighborhood Nudity

My house is about 400 feet from the road and no trees to hide behind or anything but I always walk down nude to get the morning paper or take the trash down.

Same here, long driveway, many trees - I get the mail, newspaper and take out the trash naked too

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RE: Neighborhood Nudity

Yep, have been naked for the handyman guy that comes to fix things around the house

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RE: Neighborhood Nudity

Usually nude at home, and in the garden, which can be overlooked by neighbours. Have been nude in my local park, and local roads in the dark.

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RE:Neighborhood Nudity

Have always done beach, woods, guesthouses, etc. but recently taken to wandering my street in predawn.

thats amazing and i would be happy to catch you walking by nude...

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