
I was in my bathtub and started broadcasting while in a adult chatroom. A Mistress sent me a PM and... I wasn't naked because too shy for public: i was wearing a green swimsuit (type speedo). She took the control on me and... stripped me. Dunked me...humiliated me. I was so embarassed yet excited! The more i had to breathold, the more my erection grew... I wasn't able to resist...nearly cummed: but she didn't allow me and pushed me underwater for longer to punish me... The last thing i remember is a wild spray of my semen after about a minute with my head underwater... she closed the cam and left me there: naked and tossing, with all the sticky sperm on my legs... from that day on, i can't stop wishing to do that "game" again and again...'till complete tiredness.
I know it's weird, but if there was a mistress int this kind of stuff, i'd be honoured and extremely happy to odey her...

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