Women who like to show themselves totally naked
Goodmorning everyone. I am Andrea from Italy and I was wondering if in this group there are REALLY women who are happy to show themselves TOTALLY naked in front of men. I like being completely naked in front of women. If there are women who are happy to be in front of each other totally, completely and absolutely naked, they can ask for my friendship and we see to realize the mutual desire to show our full nakedness.
We are a nudist couple and we are usually nude at home, one weekend my husband and his friends were tiling the floors in our spare bedroom and my husband texted me to come and look at their progress as I was currently sunbathing by our pool outside of the room they had tiled and figured that they had already seen me so why bother covering up, so I walked into the house and my husbands friend was coming out of the bathroom and we met in the hallway and he was shocked seeing me nude and I just said hello and introduced myself and went into the room to see their work as normal then his other friend was bashful and looked away when he saw I was naked and my husband just said dont worry she wont bite
I asked them if they would like a drink and went to the kitchen to get them drinks and heard them talking about me just being nude in front of them and not caring what they saw, then when I came back I asked them if they wanted to swim after they cleaned up and one guy said he would but didnt bring a swimsuit and I just laughed
Later they came out to the pool and I was sunbathing face up with my legs open tanning my inner thighs when my husband came over and laid down his towel and the other guys just stared as I applied sunscreen nice and slow and then I asked my husband if he needed sunscreen on his back and slid his shorts off and straddling his back facing the guys
I find it exciting being naked in front of men. I do enjoy the looks and even the stares I get when completely and totally nude. I have no idea how many guys have seen me naked insde and outside but I do love it!
We are a nudist couple and we are usually nude at home, one weekend my husband and his friends were tiling the floors in our spare bedroom and my husband texted me to come and look at their progress as I was currently sunbathing by our pool outside of the room they had tiled and figured that they had already seen me so why bother covering up, so I walked into the house and my husbands friend was coming out of the bathroom and we met in the hallway and he was shocked seeing me nude and I just said hello and introduced myself and went into the room to see their work as normal then his other friend was bashful and looked away when he saw I was naked and my husband just said dont worry she wont biteI asked them if they would like a drink and went to the kitchen to get them drinks and heard them talking about me just being nude in front of them and not caring what they saw, then when I came back I asked them if they wanted to swim after they cleaned up and one guy said he would but didnt bring a swimsuit and I just laughedLater they came out to the pool and I was sunbathing face up with my legs open tanning my inner thighs when my husband came over and laid down his towel and the other guys just stared as I applied sunscreen nice and slow and then I asked my husband if he needed sunscreen on his back and slid his shorts off and straddling his back facing the guys
Sadly, that's the product of ALL of the brainwashing that we have received, i.e. that after a certain age. Usually around the age that we not only start to notice, but question the differences between boys und girls we are told that it is "wrong," or a "sin" or whatever to see someone nude.
That sadly for some is a BIG hurtle, und even sadder too big of a hurtle for some people to get overcome.