
I'm in jandia June 19th to July 3rd anyone else there during this time

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My friend and I will be there for nude Christmas and the New Year, staying at the Monte Marina Hotel in Esquinzo. Will anyone else be there?

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Not long now. We fly out on Monday (Christmas Eve).

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We had a brilliant time with 11km of nude beach centered on our resort. We walked the length of it naked. and hired a car to reach other beaches. Clothing was required to eat and drink in the evenings. That was not a problem in my very short kilts. Staff and fellow guests were very friendly and took every opportunity to see that I had nothing under the kilt. On Christmas Eve I was Santa, showing a lot of leg and on New Years Eve I danced the night away, getting to bed at 3am.

The very attractive barmaid was intrigued by my many piercings (2 in each nipple and 10 in my genitals) and kept lifting my kilt to check them.

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