Tan Line
After a week naked in the sun, in southern Portugal, I descovered I get a new tan line. How come when I'm totally naked all the time?
It's in a really interesting position - on my penis. With my foreskin pulled back there are wrinkles just below the head. And the sun just didn't get in there. When I shower I pull the skin back to clear the wrinkles and there it is - an inch band of pale, untanned skin. If I pull the foreskin forward to cover the tip that pale bit goes inside.
Has anyone else noticed this?
Yes I have found the same thing happens with my penis too. Roll the foreskin back and its always pink and soft- rest of my cock goes a lighter tan than the rest of me but tip foreskin is still pale. I like it- I guess it proves I am tanned ALL over- except where the sun dont shine! lol