How should we treat a pussy?
So how should we treat a woman's pussy, assumimg we are lucky enough to make personal contact. Should we treat it with respect, with tenderness or with vibrant energy?
Ladies tell us how you would like us men to be, what to do to please you best. Do you want tenderness or a mind-numbing climax? Or one leading to the other?
Men tell us the approach you like best. Is it most important to please your lady or to please yourself? I love to please my partner, the more enjoyment she has, the more I have.
I guess there will be different answers for each of us.
- 13 years ago
I agree with Kim Cattrall. She suggested in her book about the female ogasm that one should start off gentle, ease into pleasuring, and look for feedback as to how much and intense to proceed.
- 13 years ago
As part of foreplay I like to suck and lick a pussy, tickling the clit with my tongue. I also like to insert a finger and stroke the G spot. Only when she is ready, and it is wet, do I insert my penis. The best is worth waiting for after all and the anticipetion get by balls singing.
- 13 years ago
However she wants it! If she wants fast - do as she says! If she wants it slow, vibrant etc - do as she says!Respect her wishes!
SO true. Her wish is my command.
- 13 years ago