So far, brilliant

At three month we have nerely 300 group members, and they are still comming. That's 21 females, 31 couples and 245 males. You might think this group is bound to attract men but the proportins are the same as those on the site as a whole - 5% female, 10% couples and 85% males (as at 22 May). If anything we have a slightly higher proportion of females (7%).
The photos have been contributed by about one third of the women and one fifth of the couples, with 7 men also sneeking some in. On average each has provided 5 photos. Only members can see them. If you are not a member you can only guess at what you are missing. Anyhow, ladies, thankyou for such a great gallary of varied and intimate photos. Thankyou for letting us men see you as others can only imagine. Any chance of some more? And "how about it" to the ladies and couples who have yet to venture forth.
As Mods Seline and I have always been aware of the need for care - the possabilities of fake profiles and stalkers. Hence the photos are set to members only and all new members are vetted (as in checked, not neutered). If I have doubt I say this to a prospective member - "When I set up this group I was asked to check new members so ladies could feel safe when uploading photos of thir most private part. In particular I look for a full profile and openly visable nude photos..." I may also take account of Cirtification and their friends list. So please be reassured. Let me know if anyone causes you a problem. Lets carry on going from strength to strength.
Also lets broaden things to bring in pussy related discussions, any topic welcome.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: So far, brilliant

Yes the ladies pix are very nice. We just posted several pix too but dont see them up yet, hope you all enjoy our pix too.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: So far, brilliant

They are up now

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  • 13 years ago
RE: So far, brilliant

We're still growing at over 350 members and photos are still coming in with over 200 uploaded so far. I see a new group has started with a similar name (it is Pussy Love). It is small but open to all. I still check new members here to try to weed out any possible fake profiles. Appologies to those who are new to TS too and havn't had time to create a full enough profile. I just say try again when you have one.
Well I'd rather be safe than sorry. I don't want anyone to be harrased after showing us her most intimate part. By the same token, ladies, tell me if anyone causes you bother and they will get the boot.
So ladies, how about some more of your lovely pics for the gallary. Only members can see them, and we love them.
And we are not just about pictures. Let's hear your thoughts.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: So far, brilliant

We've now topped 400 members and 250 pictures. The members keep coming and I am still checking them to be sure there arn't any fake profiles. Feel free to add photos and comments.

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  • 13 years ago