Looking for FUN accommodation in UK AND LOOKING for work worldwide..

I live in Goa India... But from UK.... I need to visit the UK for a few weeks to get a new passport and visa for India. Singles, Couples, Straight, Bi, Gay, any age. Willing to help around the house and willing to pay in kind with lots of loads & taking lots of loads
I'm also looking for work that I can do Naked... I'm open to any offer anywhere in the world. Will relocate any where... But would LOVE to live and work in the USA willing to work for: Singles, Couples, Straight, Bisexuals & Gay of any age

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RE: Looking for FUN accommodation in UK AND LOOKING for work worldwide..

I wish I could help. I am mostly out of the UK too - in Saudi. I'll be back for a couple of weeks in early June, and will be heading to the beach at Morfa Dyffryn for a couple of days. What are your date?
Hope you get fixed up.

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