Chat wanking...
When you are wanking, on cam, in the TS chatroom, for
everyone to enjoy... do you often get requests to go private?
... and how do you HANDLE those requests? ;-) They can
be fun, if the other person or couple is also on cam... but those
requests can also be a distraction, especially if the other
person/cpl is NOT on cam. :-/ BTW, this question could
apply to both men and women, but I don't see many women on cam, in the chat
i will private if they are a part of my small circle of friends i chat and cam with regularly, yeah most of us have hundreds of friends on our friends page but never chat with them. also bothers me when someone wants to go skype were already on chat in ts why not cam here? also have had a few say there cam doesn't work on ts but works on skype - how is that ? like a lot i'm a exhibitionist i like camming in chat room rather than private im ok with whoever seeing me nude.