the delemia

How do you let other guys know that you want to have sex with tem while all those around you think you are straight. There are guys I would love to be in bed with that I am afraid to ask because fear of a negative reaction.

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RE: the delemia

How do you let other guys know that you want to have sex with tem while all those around you think you are straight. There are guys I would love to be in bed with that I am afraid to ask because fear of a negative reaction.

Same here so many guys I get a vibe from but never act on it because of the negative impact

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RE: the delemia

This is a difficult part ofdating and not knowing if you will be rejected by other guys. It really isn't that much different than if you ask a woman out on a date, you don't know whether you will get lucky or not, the same applies with bi/gay dating, you never know if he is going to be into you enough to have sex, but most of us are so horny that there would have to be something about you that really turns off a guy you are on a date with to get refused sex! That is just a chance we have to take both in the straight and gay dating world!I'm fortunate enough to have met an awesome gay stud who loves to have sex with me, but that took a lot of years to get to that situation with just the right guy. We are very attracted to each other and have unbelievable sex together and we both want to be exclusive without being in a formal relationship, just close friends who are active fuck buddies.

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RE:the delemia

How do you let other guys know that you want to have sex with tem while all those around you think you are straight. There are guys I would love to be in bed with that I am afraid to ask because fear of a negative reaction.

Welcome to homophobia. I was first attacked for gayness at three by a roid head. My Dad barely got me away from him. My crime? I looked into his eyes. They were very blue.

It is an awful thing to bear but as an adult easier than as a child. By the time I was 6 I was 99% accurate with gaydar. Not getting pounded by apes was my incentive. You can develop the skills but it's very subtle stuff. Eye contact time. Repeated trips around the block in cruising streets. Same in parks. Jewelry and accessories that stand out. Clothes cut to really show body shape. Mannerisms and slang.

But unless you have lots of practice it's hard. I tend to not go after the close knit buddy types. One, if there is a guy into it why hasn't he moved on you? Two close friends will be intimate with no intention. One mistake might cause group problems. You are probably best off exploring gay spaces or online cruise for definite opinions.

Or you can come out on your own terms and define yourself to them all as just exploring options and not going to hide it. If you lose any they were not sex options and probably assholes. One might come forward too. Lots of men waste years like I did trying to make a closet fit the sexual lusts and it won't. Sooner or later it falls apart. Decisions to be open in charge are not easy but long run are best imho. Good luck.

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