Buttpluged around the clock

Going to bed last night I put my buttplug. It fits too comfortable so I felt asleep... In the morning I feels so wonderful and take it off just for the bathroom. Now I wear it at work for 8 hours and still feels perfect...I think it becomes my favorite underwear... LOL ...

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RE:Buttpluged around the clock

What kind is it? Do you have a pic of it?

What kind is relevant information. I have never been successful in keeping the plug in my ass for long. It tends to slip out.

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RE:Buttpluged around the clock

I have recently discovered to pleasure of leaving the butt plug up my ass for hours. Sitting on it part of the time helps. I even sleep with the butt plug up my ass.

The secret is a butt plug with a narrow neck at the base, that is narrower than the widest part. A dildo doesn't work, because it slips right out.

Leaving the butt plug in does produce discomfort from accumulating gas. You should nudge the butt plug to allow some release of gas. Moments after removing the butt plug, you might let out a prize fart.

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RE:Buttpluged around the clock

Thats amazing!!! This is my goal. What kind of butt plug is this? :)

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RE:Buttpluged around the clock

There has been a few times that i was plugged around the clock. I disnt eat much for about 3 days, did an incredible enema and was completely empty!

But usually, i am plugges everyday including for work

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RE:Buttpluged around the clock

What type are people using to wear around the clock? I wear a jeweled one much like the middle one in the group photo and have posted a pic of it in the media section here. I tried wearing to work and it didn't go so well. I have an office job where I sit at a desk a lot and my issue was not from it slipping out, but rather slipping in! Love having one in as much as possible, but just not all the way in!

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