RE:All men are Bi?

No no and no. All men are not bi. Gay only here. Even the idea of sex with a woman is completely repulsive to me, let alone actually doing it.

See this response encapsulates a lot of what I am talking about. First off, not trying to rewrite your orientation, what you self define as is your decision alone just like all people have the same.

You can't use a particular to establish the general. Clearly the term 'all' isn't accurate if one man is not. But the existence of you doesn't mean the rest of the world is the same.

The reaction many gay guys have to women's bodies is frankly disappointing and unnecessary. Saying that the idea of sex with a woman is repulsive to you is no better than a str8 man saying the same. I don't know why so many men feel the need not only to depreciate the sex they have never actually had but really go for it.

The idea is repulsive because it's an idea. You made the choices and drew up the way you react to not even being directly invited to sex with a lady but rather in defense of your gayness. Do we need to trash women to affirm gay? Don't think so.

These reactions are common along all kinds of lines in our society. They aren't terribly useful but lots of folks male female seem to think being disgusted by what others like is a great way of learning and sharing. It's not.

I call myself gay because my love of men is special and my desire to have sex with any man I find myself open to is uncommon and less so with pride. However I am able and enjoy sex with women on occasion as a service to her him or to just learn about a couple this way. Is this bisexual? On some level yes. Aight no worries I just love doing what I do.

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RE:All men are Bi?

No no and no. All men are not bi. Gay only here. Even the idea of sex with a woman is completely repulsive to me, let alone actually doing it.

Agree. I think they are all talking about straight men being bi. I have never had interest in a woman's body sexualy.

Of course there are the tired old bromides: Don't knock it until you try it. (not knocking it I just understand myself too know that I have no interest in trying it again.) Which brings me to the second bromide. You haven't met the right woman. Maybe.

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RE:All men are Bi?

Why cut out half the population (men or women)?

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RE:All men are Bi?

Want you!

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RE:All men are Bi?

Want you!

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RE:All men are Bi?

Want you!

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RE:All men are Bi?

I am;-))

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RE:All men are Bi?

Every man has a BI in them.It just that we try to suppress it...It is by nature of men.The society has made us think that we are hardcore straight and seeing other men is sin.

Personally I love playing with men more than women.

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RE:All men are Bi?

I have found that older straight guys often drift into man on man experiences. I have known at least ten guys whom I found looking for a quick blow job, or wondering what a quick blow would be like. I think they all considered themselves straight. I bet some of them still do. But it always began the same way. What they wanted was my mouth on their penises. Nothing was better than feeling my warm, wet, slick, smooth mouth, lips, tongue and throat on their hard shafts. This sort of non recip service usually continued for months or even a couple of years. Then, in every case, at some point, the guy would begin to touch me more...want to grope me...want to play with my penis. Next, at some point he would want to take me into his mouth. Sometimes just a lick or kiss...but it got more important and more often...then 69. I was not in favor of this because I got the most pleasure out of sucking a penis, not by being sucked. However, as things always progressed, it began to feel good as they kept on experimenting with sucking me. I usually cannot get off very easily in a guy's mouth. Not that I don't like it, for I really do, but it usually is not the easiest way and it can interfere with the cock sucking that I want to do. Finally, each of them reached the point where I achieved an orgasm. The excitement of having a guy, a straight guy, sucking me, however inexpertly, would make be climax and ejaculate. It is easy for me to climax with a guy's mouth below my cockhead so that he doesn't have to take my semen into his mouth if I am excited enough and some of the guys preferred this, while others were ready to swallow my load first time out. The result was that each of my guys eventually began to expect to suck me instead of my sucking each of them. Worst of all, I began to look forward to getting sucked by each of them. I was always ready to suck each of them, but I found I also liked getting sucked off. Sometimes we would 69 and I would often get to finish them after they finished me, but it wasn't quite like sucking the penis of a straight man.
After we had mostly changed positions, I kept on seeing them and my climax became the most important thing in most of our encounters.
So, where are they all today? They are gone, or pretty much gone. I still hear from one or two and I have some new guys, too. But my very favorites have all died. One in a violent car wreck and one from a heart attack, and some have moved to another state, but I do have new applicants , too!

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RE:All men are Bi?

I think all guys are to a verying degrees bi. Some more than others.

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