All men are Bi?

I truly believe that every man is, for want of a better word, bisexual.
If an opportunity arises where I can have sexual fun with another guy then I will take it.
I think its universal! Do you?

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RE: All men are Bi?

As a gay man, I would have to disagree. Even when presented with the option of sex with a woman, I have had no interest.

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RE: All men are Bi?

I did actualy mean men to men!

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RE:All men are Bi?

think so. most of my str8 buds ended up asking me for sex. I'm very casual never cross lines hung out n masc I think it put them at ease. they all said i was the first n only but that they felt attracted to me n gave in. i was happy to serve. still am.

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RE:All men are Bi?

I agree, I think ALL men have a varying amount of bi sex drive in them. Some suppress it more than others but most will yield when presented with a naked male body and no-one around. The amount of 'straight' guys I have had mail me on my dating site (where i list as bi ) is amazing! I had a regular male fuck buddy for two years who insisted he was straight- even when I trained him up to the point of fucking his ass bareback! lol I didnt care what labels he used for himself I was just up for the mutual pleasure despite his denial...

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RE: All men are Bi?

Well skinless how can you mean men to men? That is gay NOT bi! Clay was right, if he is gay then he is not bi and will turn down broads.
I have a friend who is totally a fag. He will never ever be in the same place as females who are doing anything related to sex. Now that is gay! In every sense of the word. But I love the mother fucker like a brother. He is my best friend.

I would like to add that in some ways I believe that he may be a better man than me. He might even have more confidence in his life than me.

So in conclusion, NO, not all men are bi.

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RE:All men are Bi?

I think a persons sexuality is fluid. Think of how many people you know or have heard of that did not entertain same sex interests until later in life. I never had a bi thought until I was in my 50s. And no, I was not in denial, I truly never thought of sex with men. Bodies change, hormones change people change.

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RE:All men are Bi?

I don't think all of humanity can be shoved into three sexual categories (gay, straight, and bisexual). I know a guy who is married to a woman, loves her, loves pussy, but occasionally gets off on masturbating with another man. Interestingly, he doesn't care what the rest of the guy looks like - just his cock - and he has zero interest in any emotional relationship with a guy. Is he bisexual? I'm not so sure. In fact, we've had very candid discussions about his orientation - he's completely open to whatever label works - but isn't quite convinced that he's really bisexual. For my part, when I was younger I considered myself completely gay. As I have gotten older, I've become attracted to women, as well. However, I don't have sex with women, and I don't want an emotional relationship with one. What exactly is my orientation? Bisexual? (I had to choose one for my profile, so I selected bisexual, which I considered the least inaccurate.) I'm not sure that really fits me, either.

My buddy and I each are examples of enormously wide sexual orientation variations occurring regularly among humans. Differences in our sexual orientations probably are caused by genetic variations, womb environment, and socialization. Trying to shove each of us into a category does all of us a disservice. First of all, it doesn't describe many of us terribly accurately. Second, comparing classifications of people provides an opportunity for many to look at another class as "lesser."

My suggestion? Can the categories and labels. Let's meet cool people, and form rewarding friendships, as well as sexual and romantic relationships.

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RE:All men are Bi?

I truly believe that every man is, for want of a better word, bisexual.If an opportunity arises where I can have sexual fun with another guy then I will take it.I think its universal! Do you?

In theory, everyone can do the act. It's not physically impossible for any reason. There is the odd notion in some quarters that you must enjoy it to do it, and while I agree pleasure by all means but women have been taking men and hating it for centuries and those of us who have done sex work of any kind know that sometimes it just aint more than a motion in an ocean and a pain in the...

The rest is all some tiny bits of biology, lots of culture and lots of experience. Sex is, on the mundane level a series of body acts. Next there is the sensual level, and after that, the mental pleasure, and above that sacred or spiritual dimensions. These are all intertwined and not all people identify these nuances in their experience nor do they disambiguate all of them.

What this means is for most people, the block is entirely mental and they could enjoy what they deny they could more or less with the right person, which is also dependent on experience and other elements. Inexperience and shyness, the experience of trauma and the closet for LGBTQ folks drives rifts and polarizes pleasure and distaste along highly gendered axes, which makes opening up haRDER AND often insurmountable.

Are there pure str8 and pure gay? No. But many fit so close that it isn't part of their makeup or likely paths. Those who insist and get worked up are compensating in many cases not for being same sex but for internalizing the stigma that others face.

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RE:All men are Bi?

No no and no. All men are not bi. Gay only here. Even the idea of sex with a woman is completely repulsive to me, let alone actually doing it.

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RE:All men are Bi?

I agree fully.It is society/religion that programs out natural sexual instinct in order to fit an unrealistic mode. I also believe the world would be a better and more peaceful place if more men played with each other

Always. We were meant to love each other and pleasure each other.

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