Why is being a Bisexual Man still such a taboo

Although I'm a a Gay Man I wanted to raise this topic, as I feel that while U.K society and I suspect see female bisexuality as something which is quite erotic, Bisexual Men appear to face intolerancein both gay and straight society , straight men I know have said that they would enjoy seeing theregirlfriend get it on with another Woman , however straight women I know have said that if theirboyfriend said He was bisexual they would dump him , When I ask why, I have had the reply , becausehe might leave me for a man , when I explain that as a straight man he could leave you for another womanI normally get replies like, I don't want to talk about this or , I would feel uncomfortable knowing he mightfancy another guy , what's the real reason , is it about anal sex ???I have dated bisexual guys and if I've ever been out on the gay scene with a bisexual partner , I have had tohear comments from friends who say , " don't trust him " , He'll try chatting up your female friends "Is being a bisexual man seen as being wrong by so many people, in an age when we have seensame sex marriage in so many countries , is Male bisexuality still taboo ?

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RE: Why is being a Bisexual Man still such a taboo

From what I've been told and read a Woman can fight another Woman to keep her Male partner, but
can't fight what another Man can do or give her Male partner. I hope I said
this right

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RE: Why is being a Bisexual Man still such a taboo

The stereotype is, that a bisexual person just wants to fuck anything ... which is just not true. Just like it is for anyone

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RE: Why is being a Bisexual Man still such a taboo

For a man to be bi is still taboo because there's still a high degree of loathing directed towards man-on-man sex. In spite of recent advances in equality, male/male sex is still viewed by many as degenerate, vulgar, sinful, and perverse.

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RE:Why is being a Bisexual Man still such a taboo

Male sexuality is still taboo.

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RE: Why is being a Bisexual Man still such a taboo

. In spite of recent advances in equality, male/male sex is still viewed by many as degenerate, vulgar, sinful, and perverse.

...only if its really really good... kidding. I'd say SEXUALITY is still sinful for billions and that makes deviation that much worse. Truth is most are bi. We choose and we get pushed by life. I am hopeful that men who are boxed in will get more support and understanding.

Bi guys get double stigma but many also use it as a hiding place for cheating. That's stigma again of course. Open understanding supportive non judgmental. If a man wants to explore he should. He can say what that means.

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RE: Why is being a Bisexual Man still such a taboo

Being bi I will try to put my own opinions on what to say about this topic. I have been able to find a lot of things that have happened to me by going through my own experiences & personal life and I have never had such bad experiences with finding a good person to be with me for a long time now.
I hope that I can be a better person as well as being able to make it work for me.
. I feel like no one knows I exist. And find that if I have to just be all alone and I never find a way to get together with a good person to love me unconditionally then I'm destintined to just stop looking.
I just don't know what to do about this but I'm not sure why I am always alone and not just being able to find anyone who can love me. I don't understand why I love everyone without regard to gender or sex and no one loves me back.

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