HOT new pics!

Thanks for the hot contributions intimidator! Know that there are many other members of the group that have pics that they'd think are hotter than yours, so the challenge is out there! Dig through your files everyone, keep it personal, no internet pics. Real are better!

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RE: HOT new pics!

Bring it on!! My wife has some great tits , let's see the rest of them!

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RE: HOT new pics!

Thank youArnie556andAnita69for your gallery contributions. Natural breasts are the best! Different shapes, sizes, character, etc. Thanks for adding your naturals!
I know that there's a much wider variety out there, and I'm challenging our group members to prove it with their submissions. Isn't that why this group is here? To understand and appreciate the variety in life?
Can't wait to see what you can come up with... Remember, no internet photos, let's keep it real.

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RE: HOT new pics!

thank you blackhatter for your gallery submission, yummy breasts. Please, post more....

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