RE: Do you shave your balls?

An then I shave my friend Woman's and Man's

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RE: Do you shave your balls?

An then I shave my friend Woman's andMan's
What fun. Lucky you. (Err - do women have balls?)

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RE: Do you shave your balls?

Yes, always!

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RE: Do you shave your balls?

Of course! Love smooth all over feeling.

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RE: Do you shave your balls?

Of course! Love smooth all over feeling.

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RE: Do you shave your balls?

I have not all winter. They are quite furry. Feeling like I miss the smooth feel and touch.

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RE: Do you shave your balls?

Most definitely, I shave cock, balls, and ass at least twice a week. Smooth is lovely.

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RE: Do you shave your balls?

Sorry but I don't like a shaved pubic region, tastefully trimmed is fine, I trim my own. I feel it is the essence of masculinity and serves a purpose to protect our delicate areas including armpits and also aid cooling in hot weather. I am not a young man but irrespective of age I feel the media and cosmetic giants have brainwashed everyone. Hair removal is fashionable and crazy unless you have an abnormality, in which case if you choose, then by all means do whatever you need to do.
Furthermore, modern day deodorants contain Aluminium Oxide, this is absorbed into the skin and passes quickly into the Lymph system, take a look at the research available online. Apart from many other sources it cannot be denied that cancer is becoming endemic, you draw your own conclusions.
I use only natural soap and water. I never use shower gels or deodorant etc, skin has a natural flora to keep it healthy, it is the largest organ of the body after all. Be natural, be beautiful but most of all - be in my bed! Hugs, Paul x

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RE: Do you shave your balls?

I shave my balls at least once a week, along with my cock, but i keep the pubic bone area trimmed.

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RE: Do you shave your balls?

I feel like it's too much work and, well, natural and masculine/mature to leave it as-is. Yes, the feeling immediately after is very nice, esp getting sucked and played with, but man, the next several days is just about rashes and over-sensitivity. No thanks!

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