
I'm still getting my clothes ripped off and have leant acouple oftricks on the way. I'll prepare a pair of jeans in two ways. The first allows me to discretely rip out my zip and present it to my friend, usually over lunch in a crowded bar. The trick is to cut through the dense stitching at the bottom of the jip and then cut through the top at each side. Then I reach down inside my jeans, grab the bottom end of the zip and pull. The other stitches give way easily. The process can weaken the seam below the zip giving an opening from waist to inside leg. I just have to check my bits are down one jeans leg when I get up to leave. My friend knows just what I want him to do next.
The other trick is round the back. Start just below the waist band in the centre of the back, cutting horizontally through the centre seam and down a little on each side. Pull down to tear as far as the next seam across the jeans, cut through that and stop. The lie of the cloth causes the tear you have made to be an inverted V stopping just clear of the tops of the back pockets. When your friend pulls down on the tab you have created your butt is exposed with the most satisfying ripping sound as the V gets bigger. Your friend can then rip down the back of each leg, freeing you from your jeans.
What tricks do you use to get ripped out of your clothes?

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  • 9 years ago
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