This is what I believe nudism should be. "Tactile."

Touching and being close to the people you love, whether through hugs, kissing, or more. That's what I think nudism (naturism) lacks. They don't even want to have a discussion about sex. For fear of being called out by those outside of the nudist world. Sex and touching is part of being naked and I don't think there's anything wrong with that if everyone involved is okay with it. I got kicked out of the "True Nudists" chat for asking questions about this. I know it says "no sexual discussion" in the chat rules, but you'd think that means don't cyber sex or say anything of an explicit nature, not asking about where sex falls in the nudist's "lifestyle."
Am I right, or am I just crazy?

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RE: This is what I believe nudism should be. "Tactile."

Touching and being close to the people you love, whether through hugs, kissing, or more. That's what I think nudism (naturism) lacks. They don't even want to have a discussion about sex. For fear of being called out by those outside of the nudist world. Sex and touching is part of being naked and I don't think there's anything wrong with that if everyone involved is okay with it. I got kicked out of the "True Nudists" chat for asking questions about this. I know it says "no sexual discussion" in the chat rules, but you'd think that means don't cyber sex or say anything of an explicit nature, not asking about where sex falls in the nudist's "lifestyle."Am I right, or am I just crazy?That is why we are here instead of their to strick with their rules, and can't just have a normal conversation, without offending someone, so moved here were it is just ok to talk about anything you want to chat about.

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RE: This is what I believe nudism should be. "Tactile."

I agree, nudity must include being tactile. When I'm naked with my boyfriend I can't keep my hands off of him, I constantly touch and stroke his arms, chest, back, whatever is within reach! Most of that touching and stroking is non-sexual. We have awesome sex but those times watching TV or a dvd and sitting shirtless on the couch in a cuddle I touch and rub whatever part of his naked body I can easily reach. I know if I start to touch his nipples and/or genitals we will go straight into sex. I could touch and rub him non-sexually for hours!

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RE: This is what I believe nudism should be. "Tactile."

Absolutely agree with you

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RE: This is what I believe nudism should be. "Tactile."

Agree with everyone here.. Human are animals too, and nudism is the only natural way where we get to express ourselves honestly for who we are. I get that nudism can be inherently non-sexual for some, but it does not in any way, mean that it is not. I believe that every nudist, no matter how insistently they'd tell you otherwise, do get quite a powerful sexual kick out of being nude now and then, especially when it comes to touching each other in public.
And yes, it really is ridiculous to see the lengths to which some people go to deny this simple and natural fact. Why do nudists claim to be open and free to almost anything, except for their sexuality? Nudism to me is about freedom, and being truly liberated with my own self and with my fellow human beings, in all the ways there is to be, not just in one or two. All humans love instinctively to be nude, and we like sex in just the same measure, no difference in any way. Nudism whether one likes it or not, serves to remove inhibitions and taboos, and rather than accept this truth, it's become rather embarrassing to witness nudists trying to cover-up their perfectly natural sexuality with lies and deplorable self-denial. The human body is both extremely beautiful and highly erotic; you can't hide it, no matter how hard you try. You see a man get an erection on a nude beach by seeing you? Feel the need to touch and pleasure a nude woman sunbathing next to you, seeming to like you? What in the world is wrong with doing any of these things, why can't people enjoy themselves the way they really like to, being free of their clothes? Because it's immoral to others, to the nudist philosophy? The people who keep saying that really needs to look at themselves again in the mirror nude and decide if they really are genuine nudists or just apologetic bigots.
I think the main reason for this is that nudists too, have become afraid. We have become so afraid of what textiles and society would say about us if we admit to what we truly like, that we have even forgotten what nudism represents in the first place. It's an exemplary and radical lifestyle created to help people get rid of their fears and love each other for what they are, disregarding what others would say about them. We are afraid to admit that we actually like to not only see people nude rather than clothed, but to touch, feel and even please one another while being in our skins. And even though many nudists would argue otherwise, this kind of mentality has actually impacted nudism way negatively than it has positively. Many textiles don't get nudism, because they can't honestly understand why nudists don't like being turned-on while looking at one another, like they do. It's contradictory to the nudist philosophy, and so they feel it as being fake and therefore, unnatural and unhealthy to follow or associate with. Textiles are supposed to look-up at nudism as being something fun and inspiring that they can enjoy without any hassles whatsoever, and yet, they can't. So it really is quite laughable when nudists are complaining why textiles don't get into nudism more these days, when they should themselves first try and be more human and sincere in their own approach and appreciation towards nudism. It's about celebrating and accepting our humanity and all the simple pleasures that come with it to us, not curbing or repressing it any way. And that is why it's truly the only natural way of life and ought to be kept as such, and why I really think, it would very hopefully, soon come to be genuinely accepted as for what it really is about.
There is nothing in this world which cannot be shared!

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RE: This is what I believe nudism should be. "Tactile."

I totally agree that touch is fantastic but I also know that a naked body is not an invitation to touch. There are people to whom I am happy to show my stuff but less happy to share with a touch so I understand why some want to eliminate ANY sexual connection to nudity. When I first heard of non sexual nudity, I felt relief that I could b naked and not HAVE to be sexual....then again, look at my pix, I look better with clothes on!

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RE: This is what I believe nudism should be. "Tactile."

Your first word through me off. "Touching" . . . It's merely because I am not a "touchy-feely" person . . . be it clothed or nude. Never have been . . . probably never will. Is it good or bad? I'll let other decide . . . I'm friendly . . . just not a touchy person. I know, one might ask about intamacy . . . very touchy-feely . . . perhaps I only relate to touch in an intimate way . . . I don't know? I won't waste anymore of my time OR anyone elses . . . deciding ;-) jy

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RE: This is what I believe nudism should be. "Tactile."

For us we both like the feeling of touch weather it be sensual or sexual. Once we feel comfortable with the other couple or person we can kiss and caress each other hands and other parts of the body as long as no-one around gets offended. In Private we can take it further and be Sexual coz we believe we humans are Sexual beings and believe we can Enjoy each others and have FUN.Rose

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RE: This is what I believe nudism should be. "Tactile."

I fully agree with everything that have been raised in the above discussions , as a tactile nudist I loved being touched teased stroken and especially the nude hugs ( both sex ) loved that body contacts !
Hugs to you all !

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RE: This is what I believe nudism should be. "Tactile."

I love to touch and be touched, whether naked or clothed. There are some nudist friends who I wouldn't dream of touching in any sensitive area. There are others with whom I get very intimate. It all depends on our relationship.

I have found that applying sun cream can be a good intro. There is that part on their back which they cannot reach. But how far down can I go? And will they let me do their front - and their sensitive parts? Sun cream can be quite a good massage oil so We can combine applying the cream with a massage. And I enjoy it being applied to me.

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