RE:Any one use urethra sounds?I'm surprised no replies. I haven't yet, but will. Soundings & saline balls are on this summer menu for me.
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Post #3bondagemaleSuper SwingerLiving nude is a great life! RE:Any one use urethra sounds?I use my sound about twice day for a half hour at a time. I have seen some saline balls video's and they are so hot. Would love to try that but only with an experienced person so everything goes OK.
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RE:Any one use urethra sounds?oh yeah. i love those. I used to have lots of sounding tools.
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Post #5bondagemaleSuper SwingerLiving nude is a great life! RE:Any one use urethra sounds?I have been using sounds to increase the size of my hole so I can use the cathiter that came with my cock cage.
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RE:Any one use urethra sounds?Not sounds, but use a size 16 catheter for medical purposes. If any in Melbourne want to try am happy to show, or oblige with one for them to try.
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Post #7bondagemaleSuper SwingerLiving nude is a great life! RE:Any one use urethra sounds?I have a set of Hager Sounds that cam in a variety of sizes.
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RE:Any one use urethra sounds?anyone around Chicago into sounding
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RE:Any one use urethra sounds?I love my sounds... here' a pic of my fav outfit with plug and weights on

see blog for more
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RE:Any one use urethra sounds?I have been sounding my penis for over 20 years. It feels so gret. Catch me on chat and ask to see me do it and I will oblige. Have fun
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RE:Any one use urethra sounds?I had mine enlarged by doctor using sound
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