Total Exposure on TS

After having started my Tumblr blog and gotten a lot of positive response, I decided to make a change here on my TS account. I am now using my real name, not the pseudonym EvesRib2. People anywhere in the world can now see nude pics with my face and erect penis, know that I'm a bisexual Goddess worshipper who believes in female supremacy, and know my real name.I find it incredibly arousing, but it also feels incredibly natural and comfortable. Only regret is that I didn't do this a long time ago! :)

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RE: Total Exposure on TS

Well done you Robert Little. I admire your courage and openness, I'm sure you will inspire many to do the same.
Naked hugs, Paul x

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RE: Total Exposure on TS

Please no offence Robert, that is great, but I do wonder if you are trying to put yourself out there, why is your profile set to "PRIVATE"?

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RE: Total Exposure on TS

Please no offence Robert, that is great, but I do wonder if you are trying to put yourself out there, why is your profile set to "PRIVATE"?LOL, you're quite right! I had forgotten about that. Good catch. All privacy settings are now OFF! :)

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RE: Total Exposure on TS

i agree robert it is time for all of us to come completely out in the open but it will take some of us a little more shoving once we beyond the nude part - yes that is the easy part but the complete openess part to. and that hard penis will help us remember who you are.

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RE: Total Exposure on TS

Looking great guys, it is always a good feeling to be exposed (in the right situation). I do understand that some folks need to keep stuff private, but I wonder why they are on a site such as this. I do like the "CERTIFIED" setting, because it is very easy to get certified and if you are not, it raises a lot of doubt. I have even seen photos of friends of mine used as someone else.BTW, Robert - thank you for taking my comment as it was intended, not as an attack. E-communication is so often misinterpreted.Naked Hugs to the "EXPOSED" (also better with a hard cock.!.!.!)

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RE: Total Exposure on TS

After having started my Tumblr blog and gotten a lot of positive response, I decided to make a change here on my TS account. I am now using my real name, not the pseudonym EvesRib2. People anywhere in the world can now see nude pics with my face and erect penis, know that I'm a bisexual Goddess worshipper who believes in female supremacy, and know my real name.I find it incredibly arousing, but it also feels incredibly natural and comfortable. Only regret is that I didn't do this a long time ago! :)Well done and we all enjoy seeing you Robert Little! Beautiful!

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