Orange County (California) Naked Guys

Hey guys

Just trying to get the group active again. As the weather gets warmer would be nice to have a get together of like minded OC men. (Or neighbors in LA, inland empire or San Diego willing to make the drive!)

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Hey guys

Just trying to get the group active again. As the weather gets warmer would be nice to have a get together of like minded OC men. (Or neighbors in LA, inland empire or San Diego willing to make the drive!)

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Hey guys

Just trying to get the group active again. As the weather gets warmer would be nice to have a get together of like minded OC men. (Or neighbors in LA, inland empire or San Diego willing to make the drive!)

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Hey men!

Weather is warming up, and that means more nakedness! Looking to get a hang out / circle jerk thing going. Anyone interested?

Alright guys, summer is winding down, but...

Who wants to get together and get naked???!!

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Happy Holidays!!

Hey guys sorry this group hasn't been more active (although you guys need to make that happen too!!). I get really busy in the fall and then there is all the holiday stuff. Which is the reason for this post. To wish you men a happy holiday...

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Summer is HERE!!

Okay that summer is here and warm weather has come I want to start having some get togethers. We can meet at my place or another location...whatever works. As far as date, what works best for all of you? I am flexible, so just let me know....

Weather's warming up!!

You wouldn't know it by the gray cold gloomy weather today, but we are on the verge of a change in seasons and I want to get this group going and take advantage of the warm weather. So I am looking for a few things. One, I am looking for the...

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Welcome to all the new members

Wow...I don't know why but all of a sudden it's like a naked dam has burst and a whole bunch of you have joined my group. Thank you! And welcome! My birthday is this week, so that's a real nice present! :)

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