JO Get Togethers
Be fun to find a jo friend in lansing mich area always fun to be naked and jo with a friend
Hi all. I am a mature man at the NJ Shore. I am looking for JO partners. I live alone and can host.
Are there any JO groups in the Netherlands ? Would love to join one !
I would love to start a JO group in my home located in the far west portion of the valley. Preferably mornings, or after 9pm. Full nudity preferred. During the warmer weather we could be on my covered patio or in my living room. During the winter,...
I would live to find this type of situation in my area.
Im in Louisville. Anyone know of any JO parties for guys here or close by?
I love the idea and would love to attend a JO party.Getting it started is a hard problem. I live outside of Philadelphia.Sure would like to find one.