Members who post on Tumblr
My Tumblr feed Ongoing feed of what turns me on, enjoy! 7 years ago
My sign on is Mainardgcrebs, great videos, my complete story of our first threesome with my best friend, and it was my wife's idea. 7 years ago
My Tumblr is coolbarron
I am a Pansexual CD,and I like To chat with,and make friends with other CD's,Guys,shemales,and Gender fluid People That love being who They are. 7 years ago
My tumblr is "shvddck"
Love tumblr, and always end up seeing something new and delicious!!!! 7 years ago
Latest PostI will certainly check out your tumblr... and mine is tigers1818.... hope u will take a...
by FitnessTrainer 7 years ago
by FitnessTrainer 7 years ago
Hi... my tumblr blog is tigers1818.... despite the name, it is DEFINITELY x-rated... I have actually received quite a few compliments about the blog.. from followers... hope u guys will check it out... 7 years ago