Bosom palls
What exactly ARE Palls? It being the second word in the title of this group, so I figure someone must know. Olly, since you are the originator of this group, you must know what it is. Could you enlighten me/us?
I watched a vid of a naked woman skipping. It is very rhythmic. And with every skip both breasts bounce - rhythmically and sexily.
Hi everyone, I wanted to bring to your attention a woman on the internet named Milena Velba. I believe she's 44 years old and she has an AMAZING body!!!! And, she also is still lactating. :) Anyway, I thought she would be a great topic of...
I love what i wake up to but wish there were more. Where are the brown boobs? Chocolate chip nipples are double tasty.
Dont you just love them, all shapes and sizes, just have to love them
I hope this new group will give all women an opportunity to participate, find enrichment and be filled with topics of interest to WOMEN.
www.brainparking.comImage:8320638gtr.jpgPage:view/topic.cfmCrawled on 2014-12-08Page:view/topic.cfmCrawled on 2014-10-31 pokazuha.ruImage:8320638gtr.jpgPage:view/topic.cfmCrawled on 2016-03-13...
I enjoy natural breasts the best.
I'm fascinated when I see an outstanding pair of nipples pushing through a T shirt.
I thought tis group was all about women's breasts. The pics and topics show that. But Brewster uploaded a pic of his man boobs. Good for you, thinking outside the box.