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Worlds Largest Swingers & nudists Lifestyle Community! Join the **hottest global community** of open-minded couples, swingers

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Whatsapp group nudists swingers

share with your friends "true NUDISTS true SWINGERS world" group: telgram true swingers: If you are just a swingers, join this group. If you are just a nudist,...

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When a man is naked his genetals are there for all to see. They even signal some of his inner thoughts. A lady is much more descrete with her genetals tucked away behind a narrow slit. Yes she can display if she wants to. But her really outstanding...


I just wondered how nudist ladies stop things going south without the support of a bra.

Tits man

When I was young men would ask if I was a legs man or a tits man. This was in the sixties when miniskirts gave a great view of girl's thighs but also braught the invention of tights. They deprived us of the goal of the stocking-top (and naked...

Unexpected Exposure

When I was a student in college, I went to get my hair cut at a styling salon that was across the street from campus. The young woman who cut my hair was wearing a loose top. When I went to the register to pay my bill, she leaned forward revealing...

new friends

I'm looking for new friends to chat with, find me: Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: YouTube:...

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I watched a couple dancing last week end, naked and very energetically. Some parts moved, or bounced, more than others.

See through tops

One day I walked through a London tube station following a girl in a see-through top. It was fun watching the men coming the other way falling over things. Why wern't they looking where they were going?

Bouncing tits

It's good to see a woman running, skipping or just moving without a bra. Her tits have a fascinating movement all of their own! Ideally she's nude or topless but the movement shows through a blouse.