Virginia Swingers

Skinny dipping

Good morning everyone. Its such a beautiful day. I really want to go skinny dipping today. But I dont have a pool

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A day off

Hey everyone. I gave the day off and I want to meet some cool people to hang out with

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Looking for fun

Anyone near the NRV area

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Looking for fun

Anyone near the NRV area

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Up for fun

Any older couples or singles in Winchester?...up for anything but pain or toilet games....easy going non pushy older to lifestyle would like to meet others for fun.

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Good morning everyone. I hope all is well. I did something to my back this weekend and Im in pain right now. I was wondering if there was anyone here locally that could help me out with a nice massage that would loosen the tension so I can continue...

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Skinny dipping

I really wish I knew someone who has a pool that I could go skinny dipping in

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Skinny dipping

I really wish I knew someone who has a pool that I could go skinny dipping in

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Meet up

Hey everyone. Im in va beach. Its such a beautiful day. Id love to meet up with someone to hangout for a while

Meet up

Hey everyone. Im in va beach. Its such a beautiful day. Id love to meet up with someone to hangout for a while

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